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So… here’s a little insight into the ethos behind the name, Myriadeco.

“Mere colour can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways” – Oscar Wilde.

Myriad is Greek for countless. At Myriadeco we love colour, myriad colour. Myriad sources of inspiration from the world around us. Myriad possibilities to be creative, be colourful and original. We have endless options to make thousands of colours and all of them Green!

By pairing this with eco we hope to show that at Myriadeco we make environmentally responsible choices. Buying vintage or second hand is a great alternative to the “throw away and start again” consumer culture and we believe everyone who is considering decorating their home or giving their furniture a facelift should be encouraged to use eco-friendly products without compromising quality, style, or design.

What we do, is to only seek out homeware suppliers who share our environmental beliefs, including ones responsibly sourced from outside the UK. We will endeavour to provide information about the people behind the processes and about where and, if possible, how a product is made so you too can choose with confidence and invest in a product that you will be delighted with.

What we don't do, is claim to be perfect. There will always be room for improvement. However, by aiming to source our products ethically we hope that we will always have on offer a selection of eco inspired homewares that contribute to our homes and spaces being sustainable, practical and functional. Also, by using as much recycled packaging we hope to be forever mindful about the environment and conservation.

At Myriadeco, we like unique pieces, not mass-market items. We have a weakness for vintage and imperfection. We love upcycled, reclaimed, and reused. But most of all we love our planet.

Join us on our adventure. Be passionate about sustainability and the environment.

Being eco conscious is not a trend. It’s a journey.

Myriadeco – Eco Inspired Interiors

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